Some non-trivial ideas for RMQs and RSQs


Problem: Given an array and a range [l…r]. How many integers x is in the range such that frequency of x is x?

Let’s say you are in index r. The difference array for any integer x to queries ending at r will look like below:

………………x(x+2)..x(x+1)..x(x)…..x……x(2)……x(1)………………r </br> ……………….. 0………….-1 …………1……………………………………….r


- 0 -> 1 for xth index = +1 
- 1 -> -1 for x+1th index = -2 
- -1 -> 0 for x+2th index = +1 

Use fenwick tree or segment tree for the updates. Sum of the difference arrays l…r will give the answer for l…r.