Linear time algorithm for finding majority element(element which occurs more than N/2 times) in an array in O(1) space.
i <- 0, votes <- 0, candidate <- -1
if votes = 0, candidate = a[i], votes = 1
else if a[i] == candidate: votes++
else votes--;
Why does this work?
- If there is a majority element it will pick up(?).
- Say there are m majority element m > N/2
- Consider a "voting bag" and a "trash bag". "Voting Bag" contains same elements.
- You choose one element from the array, match with voting bag if the element differ, pick one from voting bag and current element dump it to trash bag.
- If no element in the voting bag, keep it the voting bag.
- If same element in voting bag, keep it in the voting bag.
Now what happens?
- Let's say majority element is not their in the voting bag, then all of them are in trash. That means there are > N/2 other such elements, which is impossible.
- Majority has to be in voting bag!
- keep k "voting" bags and "k+1" trash bags.
- Say you are given some elements which appear more than > N/k times. Claim: they all will appear in one of the k "voting" bags.
- If they are in trash bag, there are k element for each of them, so > N/k element so it will be in one of the "voting" bags.
- Consequenty all of them are in the voting bags.