Tree Tag



  1. Start checking linear graphs!
  2. If V(A) >= Dist (A,B). Alice wins in first turn. (Straightforeward)
  3. Assume V(A) < Dist(A,B). Bob does not move unless Alice reaches atleast V(A) distance from him, upon which if he has the ability to jump, 2 V(A) + 1, he is saved. But does he have the room?
  4. Checking the room for Alice’s jump is tricky.
    • All sorts of trees will have different structure!
    • Check diameter of the tree [Hard observation!]
  5. If V(A) >= Diameter/2. Alice has a winning strategy. How?
    • Let C be the center of the tree. So radius of the tree is atleast floor (Diamter/2).
    • If 2*V(A) >= Diameter, V(A) >= radius. So in first turn Alice can take the center. Bob wherever goes distance from C will be less than Diamter/2. Alice can catch in next turn.
  6. Assume, 2*V(A) < Diameter.
    • If 2 V(A) >= V(B), Alice has a win! Alice will shrink the subtree size for Bob by moving one step at a time towards Bob. Alice cannot move past Bob as it would require > 2 V(A) jump.
    • Otherwise, Bob has a win.
    • Strategy:
      • Consider the center of the diameter.
      • Connect the line from Alice and Bob to the center.
        • If Alice (IMP: after jumping) and Bob are on the same side of the center (assume Alice is not at the center), there is a room for Bob at least V(A) + 1 on other side the center.
        • If Alice and Bob are on different sides of the center. Bob moves to the farther end of the line maintaining distance at least V(A) + 1.
        • If Alice landed exactly at the center of the diamter. Then by negation of second case, there is a line with distance atleast V(A) + 1, and Alice is it distance max V(A) from Bob. So Bob can jump over.

So basically Bob has to play leap frog with Alice.

## Pigeon-Holing


Claim: Let r[v] = subtree children / no of leaves in the subtree. Bandit can catch r citizen where [r] is the max r[v] if both parties play optimally. [.] : ceil value


1. A. Bandit has a strategy to catch at least **r** citizens. 
2. B. Citizens have a strategy to restrict each leaves with <= **r** citizen. 

A. Bandit heads towards the vertex with r ratio and then goes to the subtree with max r value.

B. Ref to the diagram above.

So optimal answer is r