InLine DP Say you have a dp transition dp [i][k] = dp[i - 1][k - 1] + some extra transitions. If N is large you don’t have to calculate i -> i + 1 for each k. You can just shift the array / deque by 1 in O(1) and only work on the extra transition. Same goes when dp[i][k] = dp[i - u][k - 1].
DP optimzation using difference array technique. If some dp state changes by range sum under constraint, you can store the transitions lazily inside a difference array.
DP on ranges optimization with multiset. Say dp[j] = max (dp[j], dp[i] + something). You can maintain a multiset of candidate dp[i] values and store the R ranges in a array of vectors. When you reach that right border erase the min element. In that way you can get minimum so far allowed value.